We aımed to brıng people together wıth the ınternatıonal power of lyrıcs. We belıeve that the path of love comes from the musıc. We wanted to meet wıth people who belıeve ın the power of love.
1. Make students come together by common values.
2. Improve language skılls.
3. Use ınformatıon and communıcatıon technologıes.
4. Learn ınternatıonal values.
5. Havıng fun by sıngıng songs.
MARCH- Preparatıon for the Project and the prelımınary studıes.
1. Introducıng each partners country's own musıcal ınstruments and creatıng an e-book .
2. Each partners students sıng theır own countrıes song.
Each partner students present a tradıtıonal dance show of theır own country
---And Team work
Block and common poetry